Metamask® Chrome

The MetaMask extension acts as a translator and guide, allowing your web browser to communicate with Ethereum and other blockchains. It securely stores your digital …

MetaMask Chrome Extension | Installing MetaMask on Chrome

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store: Search for the MetaMask extension.

  2. Add to Chrome: Click the "Add to Chrome" button and confirm the installation.

  3. Setup Your Wallet: Open the extension, create a new wallet, and set a strong password.

  4. Secure Your Seed Phrase: Write down the 12-word seed phrase and store it safely. This is crucial for account recovery.

How to Use MetaMask

Sending and Receiving Funds

  1. Receive Funds: Click on "Account" to view your public address. Share this address to receive funds.

  2. Send Funds: Click on "Send", enter the recipient's address, and specify the amount. Confirm the transaction and wait for it to be processed on the blockchain.

Connecting to dApps

  1. Visit the dApp: Navigate to the dApp you wish to use.

  2. Connect MetaMask: Click on the "Connect Wallet" button. Select MetaMask and approve the connection in the extension.

  3. Interact with the dApp: Once connected, you can start interacting with the dApp using your MetaMask wallet.

Customizing Settings

MetaMask allows you to customize various settings:

  • Network Settings: Switch between mainnet and testnet networks.

  • Gas Fees: Adjust gas fees for transactions according to your preferences.

  • Security Settings: Enable additional security features like phishing detection.

Last updated